Friday, June 12, 2009

Drake Labry Were At Adam's Performance

Well I goes the saying "So near Yet So Far". Everyone suspected that Drake Labry were Adam Lambert boyfriend. Here is a picture showing Drake Labry in one of Adam's Idol performance siting together with Adam's Family.

*Image Taken From

Video of Drake Labry and Adam Lambert on the Internet

Here's a video of Drake Labry and Adam going to the club. Check it out

Drake Labry And Adam Lambert

There is not much information about Drake Labry except that he is pretty close to Adam Lambert.

Drake Labry have been seen closely with Adam even before the start of American Idol.

Who exactly is this Drake Labry?

Drake labry has been spotted partying at West Hollywood nightclub call Guys & Dolls. It's known that Labry home town is in Louisina.

It looks like Labry might have to move to L.A soon to be with Adam.

Drake Labry

*Image from